Saturday, August 16, 2008

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

What is taking so long????

I have got this question many times. Well simply put it, I am quite busy in fact to work on it. Not to mention, when I did have time, I took a break from it a couple times. I plan on working more on it soon, and getting the next video on.
I would also like to add, that I am looking into more features to make it more Mario like.
So please be patient and keep on checking here for more updates.


Saturday, June 14, 2008

Mario doom Jumping on ememies is out.

That video there shows it in work. Download the new version at the main site.


The person who created the code to jump on monsters has decided to let me use it. full credit goes to him and the Video of its demonstrations should be out soon.

Jumping on monsters a possiblity?

Well, thanks to site stats, I found a link that lead to some one who created a way to jump and kill monsters. I tried this wad myself. Indeed it exists. I was simply astounded by the awesomeness it holds. I contacted the maker and asked if he would let me use the code and full credit goes to him. However, I also said if he does not want me to use the code, I now get the idea on how to create such a code and will code it myself.
I'll fill you guys in on the details.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Factory reset

Long story on why I had to. But Mario doom has been saved, So back off to work on it I go.
Still working on 2-1. Finally got some time today to work some more on it.
Just a small update.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Mario doom is still going.

Indeed that is Doom 2-1 you see there.
I would like to inform you all that it is still alive. Going slowly, but alive. What you see there is in the editor, not actual game play yet. so its going to look undone and crappy lol. Sooner or later this level will be done and I will be moving onto 2-2, with the cheep cheeps (fish)

Thanks for being patient every one. I'm REALLY sorry for not being faster at this. I don't have much time lately to work on it.